We are not a food magazine, but we are tied to food in a way. With three payout and expense categories, our founder donates matched percentages of each total for our major contest payout, alternative contest payout, and production costs of each issue. Said donations end up going to nonprofits and charities tied to food or nourishment. We also utilize food and drink to bring people together to tell stories and celebrate literature. Where the table sits, and a feast lays; we congregate. And at the table: we share stories.
We are not a food magazine or recipe outlet. We are about stories that have been shared throughout time that have transformed through modern details. Maybe new ones, too. We seek literary work in poetry (translations as well), fiction (generally short stories or flash fiction), and creative nonfiction (essays or memoir-esque excerpts).
Starting with issue four, we will no longer be a paying market for general submissions. This may change in the future depending on funding.
Issue 3 is expected to be released as PDF and then print copies arrive in early winter of 2024 or spring of 2025.
As soon as we release the analog format of issue three, submissions for issue four will open.

pass the salt presse is what homes this project. See link above to know more.
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